yalasoo Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Checker

yalasoo Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Checker is a computer-aided Tibetan text proofing software. It examines the spelling and grammatical errors of Tibetan texts, and proposes modification suggestions for user to pick up. It will significantly improve the Tibetan text working.

Earlier 1997, yalasoo had developed a Tibetan spelling and grammar checker on the DOS system with the software copyrights registered in China National Copyright Center. There was no standard for Tibetan encoded character set at that time. Our Tibetan spelling and grammar checker was based on a non-standard Tibetan encoded character set. So we stopped to maintain the software later.

In 2014, yalasoo planed to restore the maintenance work for our Tibetan spelling and grammar checker, and to make it available to be running on the Unicode platform. The new version of our software, named yalasoo Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Checker version 2.0, will be running on the Windows operating system, and then we will launch a network version so that it can be running on any system through internet, including all the computer and mobile phone systems.

yalasoo Tibetan Spelling and Grammar Checker has not yet been effectively funded. We are looking for the funding support for this software developing project.



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