Unicode Tibetan Encoded Character Set

The Unicode Tibetan Encoded Character Set is the standard of computer encoded character set for Tibetan script by the international Industrial standard Unicode, which is the computer coding standard designated by large corporations such as Microsoft, Apple and Google. 2002, Unicode3.0 directly adopted the China national standard for Tibetan encoded character set GB13000 and international standard ISO10646, as the Tibetan coding standard of Unicode.

The publication of the standard of Unicode Tibetan Encoded Character Set marks the final completion of the Tibetan encoded character set standard. Unicode is the industry's own standard, and only the languages that have Unicode encoded character set can be supported by major corporations and their OS around the world. It is precisely because of the Tibetan Unicode standard, the Tibetan language has been supported in Windows, Apple iOS, Android and the Internet.

From the national standard of Tibetan Encoded Character Set, to the international standard and the Unicode standard, it took us 8 years to be having Tibetan computer encoded character set standards ready. From the publication of relevant academic papers, to participate in the research group for development of the standards, and to persuade the International Standardization Organization and the Unicode group, as well as those major IT companies, yalasoo has been involved in every step of the process of the work and played an important role during the entire process of the designation of the Unicode Tibetan Encoded Character Set.

During the work on the development of Unicode Tibetan standard, Tashi Tsering, yalasoo’s director, had been supported by China Ministry of Industry, the University of Virginia and the Trace Foundation.



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