Tibetan Online Resource Center

Rely on modern technologies such as computer technology, Tibetan information technology, storage technology, communication technology and network technology, Tibetan Online Resources Center is a new type of online Tibetan resource center created through collecting, sorting and digitalization all kind of the Tibetan resources, to promote the permanent preservation and regular use of the Tibetan literature resources, especially those Tibetan ancient literature resources.

Through the long-term digitalization work of Tibetan literature and other resources, to introduce a worldwide Tibetan Literature Network Resource Center with all of the Tibetan periodicals, Tibetan modern books, Tibetan ancient books, Tibetan newspapers, Tibetan dissertations and audio-visual materials.

Over the past years, yalasoo has done significant work for this project. We have persuaded many research institutes and universities to collaborate on building this online Tibetan resource center and played an important role in the project actual work. Today, our work has a phased outcome: Tibetan Online Resources Center, which is jointly constructed by China Research Center for Tibetan Studies and Tibet University, is about to open in 2017.

The goal of the Tibetan Online Resources Center is to build the world's largest Tibetan online resource center.

This project is jointly funded by the China Research Center for Tibetan Studies and Tibet University



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